Raft Trip: A Deschutes River Novel

Raft Trip by Ian DoescherIn 2023, Ian self-published a novel Raft Trip, his second novel. Eight long-time friends take a trip on Oregon’s Deschutes river, which becomes an annual event. When one member of the group writes an article calling the trip “the universe’s greatest adventure ever,” unexplained forces take note. From then on, the group must make the same trip each year or be responsible for a natural disaster somewhere in the world. Raft Trip follows the group through the years as they discover the consequences of their trip, struggle to believe, stretch the boundaries of friendship and morality, and learn how far they will go to save lives.

Learn more and purchase the book here. See an excerpt below.

From Raft Trip:

“Right,” said James. “For those of us who think this is just a coincidence—we act like it’s not. We make the wager that it’s true. If we’re wrong, there’s no consequence.”
            “What about the things we can’t control?” asked Zane.
            “We just do our best.”
            Harrison, Oliver, and Sam looked at each other, trying to read each other’s faces. “Okay,” said Harrison finally. “I can do that.”
            “Me too,” said Oliver.
            “For you guys,” said Sam, “yes.”